Privacy Policy


At DooMur your privacy is of top priority. And as such our privacy policy will ensure that we communicate to You, the best way possible, your information will be always guarded. We encourage You to read this Policy carefully. It will help You make informed decisions about sharing Your personal information with us.

The terms stated in this Policy are the same meaning as in our Terms of Use. By accessing our website and using our Service, you consent to the terms of this Policy and agree to be bound by it and our Terms of Use. Our terms of use can be read on our website.

The Service involves the storage of Data about a company or individual. That Data can include personal information. “Personal information” is information about an identifiable individual and may include information such as the individual’s name, email address, telephone number, age or birth date, occupation, details of the services you have purchased from us and any other information relating to you.


DooMur may collect personal information about you when You:

  • register to use the Service,
  • Use the Service
  • Subscribe to DooMur blogs,
  • Contact the DooMur support team,
  • Visit our website

You are free to decide against providing DooMur with your personal information but that may mean we will not be able to provide you with our services or specific features.


To access certain special features through our services, we may collect information from You about someone else. If You provide DooMur with personal information about someone else, you must ensure that You are authorized to disclose that information to DooMur and that, without DooMur taking any further steps required by applicable data protection or privacy laws, DooMur may collect, use, and disclose such information for the purposes described in this Policy

This means ensuring the individual concerned is aware of and/or consents to the various matters detailed in this Policy, including the fact that their personal information is being collected, the purposes for which that information is being collected, the intended recipients of that information, the individual’s right to obtain access to that information, DooMur identity and contact information.


If You choose to pay for the Service by credit card, your credit card details are not stored by the Service and cannot be accessed by DooMur staff and or operations team. Your credit card details are encrypted and securely stored for recurring use. You can review the privacy policy of the credit card payment system provider on their website here:


In providing our services we utilize “cookies”. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer for record-keeping purposes. A cookie does not identify You personally or contain any other information about You, but it identifies Your computer.

DooMur and its third-party service providers may use a combination of “persistent cookies” (cookies that remain on Your hard drive for an extended period of time) and “session ID cookies” (cookies that expire when You close Your browser). This will perform activities such as, track overall site usage and track and report on Your use and interaction with the Service

You can set your browser to notify You when You receive a cookie so that You will have an opportunity to either accept or reject it in each instance. However, you should note that refusing cookies may have a negative impact on the functionality and usability of the Website.


DooMur collects Your personal information so that we can provide You with the Service and any related services that You may request. In doing so, DooMur may use the personal information we have collected from You for purposes related to the Services including to:

  • Verifying your identity,
  • Administrating the service,
  • Notify You of new or changed services offered in relation to the application,
  • Carry out marketing or training relating to the Service,
  • Assist with the resolution of technical support issues or other issues relating to the Service,
  • Comply with laws and regulations in applicable to the use of all our services.
  • Communicate with You.

We may send you marketing communications and information about promotions and activities that are tailored for you. These communications may be sent in various forms, including but not limited to, mail, SMS, email, or social media in accordance with applicable marketing laws

If at any stage, you no longer wish to receive these notifications you may opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us by using the opt-out facilities provided. An example would be the unsubscribe the link in a promotional email or contacting us at, and we will not share your personal information with other organizations for the purposes of direct marketing unless expressly authorized by you.

By using the Service, you consent to Your personal information being collected, held, and used in this way and for any other use that You expressly authorize. DooMur will only use Your personal information for the purposes described in this Policy or with Your express permission.

It is Your responsibility to keep Your password to the Service safe. You should notify us as soon as possible if You become aware of any misuse of Your password or wish to change your passwords. We will assist you to immediately change your password within the Service or via the “Forgotten Password” process.

If you receive communications from us that you believe have been sent to you other than in accordance with this policy, or in breach of any law, please contact us via or through our social media pages.


By using our services, you agree that DooMur can access, and use non-personally identifiable data collected from You.

DooMur may use this aggregated non-personally identifiable data to:

  • Assist us to understand better how you use our services,
  • Provide you with further information regarding the uses, benefits and updates on the Service,
  • Enhance your chances at rewards and incentives.
  • To improve our services and further serve you better.


DooMur uses as our data hosting provider. You can review their policy to ensure you are happy with it from their website.

By entering personal information on our website or App, you consent to that personal information being hosted on our servers. It will always remain within DooMur’ s control. The data hosting provider’s role is limited to providing a hosting and storage service, and we’ve taken steps to ensure that our data hosting provider does not have access to Your personal information. They do not control and are not permitted to access or use your personal information, except for the limited purpose of storing the information.

If you do not want your personal information to be transferred to our servers, then you may not have access to our services.


DooMur will only disclose the personal information You have provided to us to entities outside the DooMur and its partner’s network only if it is necessary and appropriate to facilitate the purpose for which Your personal information was collected pursuant to this Policy, including the provision of the Service.

DooMur will not otherwise disclose Your personal information to a third party unless You have provided Your express consent. However, you should be aware that DooMur may be required to disclose Your personal information without your consent in order to comply with any legal processes or investigation. Where possible and appropriate, we will notify You if we are required by law to disclose Your personal information.


The Service may allow You, the Subscriber, or another Invited User within the relevant subscription to the Service to transfer Data, including Your personal information, electronically to and from third-party applications.

We advise the service providers of these third-party applications to protect your information against unauthorized use or disclosure.

We do not share your personal information with third party organization. Riders may have to provide their personal information in order to participate in some promotions and activations.


DooMur is committed to protecting the security of Your personal information, and we take all reasonable precautions to protect it from unauthorized access, disclosure or use. Your personal information is stored on secured data you share with us is encrypted.

However, the Internet is not in itself a secure environment, and we cannot give an absolute assurance that Your information will be always secure. Transmission of personal information over the Internet is at Your own risk. You should take steps only to enter, or instruct the entering of, personal information to the Service within as secure an environment as possible.

We will advise You at the first reasonable opportunity upon discovering or being advised of a security breach where your personal information is lost, stolen, accessed, used, disclosed, copied, modified, or disposed of by any unauthorized persons or in any unauthorized manner.


It is Your responsibility to ensure that the personal information You provide to us is accurate, complete and up-to-date. You may request access to the information we hold about You, or request that we update or correct any personal information we hold about You, by setting out Your request in writing and sending it to us at

DooMur will process Your request as soon as reasonably practicable, provided we are not otherwise prevented from doing so on legal grounds. If we are unable to meet Your request, we will let you know why. For example, it may be necessary for us to deny Your request if it would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy or affairs of other individuals, or if it is not reasonable and practicable for us to process Your request in the manner You have requested. In some circumstances, it may be necessary for us to seek to arrange access to Your personal information through a mutually agreed intermediary (for example, the Subscriber).


We’ll only keep Your personal information for as long as we require it for the purposes of providing You with the Service. However, we may also be required to keep some of Your personal information for specified periods of time, for example under certain laws relating to corporations, money laundering, and finances.


DooMur sends billing information, product information, Service updates and Service notifications to You via email. Our communications will contain clear instructions describing how You can choose to be removed from any mailing list not essential to the Service. DooMur will remove You at Your request.


If You wish to complain about how we have handled your personal, please contact our customer service personnel with full details and any supporting documentation by e-mail at

Our customer service personnel will:

  • provide an initial response to Your query or complaint within 10 business days.
  • investigate and attempt to resolve Your query or complaint within 30 business days or such longer period as is necessary and notified to you by our customer service personnel.


DooMur may change or update this Policy from time to time.

Any amended Policy will take effect from the date that we post it to our main website. DooMur will make every effort to communicate any significant changes to you via email or notification via the Service App. For additional information about your relationship with DooMur, please review our Terms and Conditions of Use.